
There are many people who are making six figure income from google adsense alone. Mnay people got advantage of this adsense some students from colleges even earned 5 figures income. Some people were unsuccessful because of one or more reasons. Before using adsense on their sites they have never given stress on optimizing the ads and ad placement to get better CTR. rate which really made their earnings low.

This hub is all about some of the basic tips using which you can surely able to generate more CTR to your adsense ads and also will be able to make some good money.

This tips are not for the hubs you write as hubpages have already choosed best ad placement on your hubs so no need to worry about your hubads placements.

When you will be using adsense ads on your blogs and websites you must make sure you follow this simple tips to get most of success from your ad placement.

1. Try to make the ads appear similar to the rest of the content never try to show the vistors that this is the ad but see that you follow adsense guidelines before selecting the ad layout. see that you mostly keep the links blue in color as blue color is the best color to get clicked by visitors and many webmasters got success using this blue color idea.

2.Find the right place Most website visitors read content that is in the middle of a webpage. As a result, the best place to put your Adsense block is between the content of your posts or at top of the post also visitors read your post from right to left so better if you put ad block at extreme right.

3. Use the bigger rectangles between the posts this will surely increase your adsense CTR very high as bigger ads are tend to appear better than the small links so use this technique for greater ctr webmasters have found that using the Large Rectangle (336x280) yields the best amount of click-thrus.

4.One more best idea to follow is never use the wide borders in adsense block ads as people try to get rid of such blocks thinking they are irritating them while reading the important contents. So if you are choosing the border see that you don't use dark coloured borders.Use simple light borders and also use smallest width possible.

5. Use the same ad font of the ads as that of your posts as this tends to increase the readers attention towards intresting ads. This will possibly an good idea to make more money from adsense without affecting their policies.

6.Give much stress on choosing the colors of the ad blocks and the ad links as this is the most important part of your adsense ads optimizations. Never use too dark background colors which will really make your website appear touch and hard. Always try to choose the light shade colors which must be similar to that of your page color.

7.There are also text link ads provided by google adsense you can make some good money using this text link ads try to use this text links below thw user navigations as there this are very sure of getting clicked.

Follow this simple and intresting things for your adsense ads on your blogs and i am sure that you will see an good increase in your adsense revenue within no amount of time so try this simple tips and have more money in your pocket.