Making Adsense Work for You

More Adsense Income

Relevant adsense Keywords Content

Focusing on one specific topic helps increase your CTR and generate free income because the adsense ads Google displays will be extremely targeted to the topic the person is already viewing or adsense keywords that you post.

  • For example you could make a site about free adsense tips, free money making opportunity or free work at home.
  • People who visit your website are already interested to know free adsense tips, take job on free money making opportunity or free work at home and Google will likewise display adsense ads on that topic.
  • The more targeted Google's adsense ads are the more click troughs you will get and the more you will earn free income.
  • Search for the adsense keywords that have the highest bids and optimize your website to adsense to get high bids adsense ad.
  • Next you optimize your sites content to high bids adsense keywords.

Have Viewer Link to increase Adsnese CTR

  • This secret revolves around mathematical probability and common sense. If you have 25 links to other webpages on your page, and only 5 of those links are AdSense ads that pay you, chances are pretty good that you visitors will click on the links that do not pay you.
  • Having too many links that do not pay is even more damaging to your CTR than having too much content on the page.
  • Placing your AdSense ads at the top will help some, but you are still going to lose a lot of traffic by giving your visitors the option to click away via a link that doesn't pay.
  • You don't have to write your own original content – Stop worry about duplicate content, done right you can use other people content, rank high in search engines and they will thank you for this!

Forget About Perfect Market in Adsense

  • Looking for a “hot market” and then trying to get in on the action just makes sense, right? Wrong.
  • While some online markets are definitely more profitable than others, the key to success with AdSense is not through picking one high-quality market and sticking with it - it’s about quantity.
  • Put simply, the more you diversify your online interests, the more money you are bound to make.
  • Does this mean that you shouldn’t take time to do market research by checking Overture’s search numbers, click costs, search engine competition, and affiliate programs? No.
  • Those are fundamental tools that you simply must use and master. But understand that not all markets are as easy to conquer as others, and there is honestly no rhyme, no reason, and no market research that can determine which ones you’ll have success with.
  • For example, one day you may be able to reach the top-ten in a super competitive market, and the next day you may find yourself barely entering Google’s ratings. Even wide-open, non-competitive markets may be difficult to get a foothold in (rankings wise), making predicting success is difficult if not impossible.
    That’s why it’s important for you to work in as many different markets as possible,
    instead of analyzing which one or two might work best for you.
  • Chances are, if you test out ten markets, at least two or three will be profitable.
  • Do this every week, and odds are that you’ll be making quite a profit in no time.

Quantity in Adsense ad

  • Unless you are extremely gifted at predicting the future, we suggest that you heed this secret. It is based on simple math.
  • The more opportunities you are working with, the better you can expect the results to be.
  • We learned a long time ago that we cannot accurately guess which markets are going to profitable and which are not.
  • Now do not misunderstand us. We do all the standard market research that we all need to do before choosing a market.
  • We would investigate Overture's search numbers and cost per clicks, we'd check on the competition, we'd make sure there were at least 2 or 3 reliable and solid affiliate programs associated with the particular market and so forth and so on.
  • We were doing our homework. But even after all the research, the investigating, there were some markets that we were simply not able to turn a profit in.
  • More often than not, we noticed that this failure had nothing to do with the
    competition that we faced in that market.
  • In fact, there were some markets that were very competitive in which we achieved very high rankings. Then, for some reason, there were other markets that should have been a snap for us to profit in that did not pan out at all.
  • There were times when we couldn’t even make the top 10 for a single keyword! So that's when we decided to employ a new methodology.
  • It's simple: throw enough out there and something will hit the target. And it works. After using this rather simple method and seeing the results, we no longer care if a market appears to be quality market or not.
  • Our results proved to us, at least, that if we go into 10 markets, we can usually expect 2 or 3 of them to turn out to be profitable winners.
  • Once we understood that this method, while simple, returned good results, we continued to use it.
  • We would put in another ten markets per week, and over time, by doing that, week after week, we eventually built a huge network of sites, in hundreds of different markets, all of them profitable.
  • Now, you can follow our suggestion and do what we have been doing or you can work yourself to death trying to find those few “perfect” markets, which, as far as we are concerned, actually change one week from the next.
  • Our method takes work. There is no way around that truism. But we have some
    tips on that for you as well.