What basically a referral program is
Referral programs are easy way to get money by doing nothing, just place a link and if you got a referred member in your account, you will get a plus $$ earning even if you got no clicks on your ads.
A lot of peoples are already earning with referral programs. Now AdSense also provides you a great offer with their referral ads. Different types of referral ads are available for different accounts. You only need to get a code from your AdSense account and put it on your website and wait for the visitors to signed up. Lets take a look at different AdSense Referral programs and their earnings.
AdSense Referral Buttons
As you can in this website www.bestadsensetricks.blogspot.com an AdSense referral button is placed at bottom right side. Similarly you can have the button, by getting the code from your AdSense account and insert it in your website.
Now whenever a visitor comes to your website and clicks on this button, he will be forward toward AdSense new account sign-up page. When he will signed up with AdSense, your account will be counted +1 and you will see that you have 1 new sign-up for AdSense referral.
A payment of $100 will be added in your AdSense account, when that person who had signed up with your referral will have his first earning of $100. I already have made $300 with referrals and i have 5 more peoples who will made their $100 sooner or later and i will got another bonus of $500. This is really a big referral offer provided by AdSense, as it is attractive and everyone wants to earn on Internet.
FireFox referral buttons
FireFox is the most popular and fast web browser in the world. I am personally a big fan of it and i always use this browser. Google also advertises FireFox browser with their referral link. You place a FireFox referral button on your website just like adsense referral. Whenever a visitor download and installs FireFox web browser through your referral link, your account will be credited $1 plus. So more visitors=more earning.
There are some other referral ads provided by AdSense such as Picasa which is a good imaging software, Google AdWords which is the best way to drive targeted traffic to your website and google Software pack which contains different types of useful soft wares.
But the above two, AdSense Referral, and FireFox Referral are widely used by website publishers.
Enjoy your way to the earning and keep reading this website because a lot of new and informative articles are coming up next.