Money, Money and money. It is a wish of almost every person to have a lot of money without doing extra efforts. But everything needs some hardworking. When i start my first website and place adsense adds on it, i was very happy because i was on the way to earn with google. But when a few days passed out and i see in my account, oops there was not a big money, just a couple of clicks and a few bucks. First i thought it was a lie that everyone is saying that he can earn a lot with adsense etc.
But it wasn’t, actually i was not aware of how much it was important for me to have a unique number of daily visitors. Then i start publishing my website in a lot of directories, submit it in search engines, add social bookmarking , RSS feeds to my website and then i started a routine to add an article daily to my website.
In a few days i was happy that my website statistics shows i have got a lot of visitors and page impressions daily. But at the end of the month my total earning amount was only $10, but i was not dissapointed, i continue with my ruotine and in next month i earn $50, and then in a few months i was able to earn $200 daily and it is increasing monthly.
The most important thing that i want to tell through this article, is the patience. People disapoint after a month when they did not get a lot of $$, but they don’t know the factors why they can’t get. This is the biggest factor in web world that everyone have to be patient for a couple of months. When your website will start getting unique visitors then your monthly income will increased in every next month. So remember, not to disappoint if you even got a low earning. Keep in touch with your website and keep it up to date. This is the website which can give you only $10 in first month and may be $1000/month in next few months.